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3 Comments on “Why Culture Matters: Three Things Any Leader Can Do About It”

  1. Marcelino Sanchez
    Debbie Ruston (from Change Consulting LinkedIn Group) Employees today do not feel the company cares about them. Downsizing, mergers, job cuts etc, over the last few years have left employees disgruntled and feeling like they are just a number. In many cases, they are right. The companies have very distinct mission statements they are looking to achieve. So we have a company with a mission statement they are looking to instill upon the employees, and employees that could care less because they believe the company doesn't care about them...they just want to do their jobs and go home. So how do you change this and create a culture of thinking that is aligned between management and employees? Management must realize that people are the most valuable assets. The focus has to be put on the employee....what is it they want to achieve and how can their role there provide that for them. Develop the employees to reach their potential, invest in their training. When an employee is growing, they feel fulfilled and happy, and feel the company actually cares about them, they want to do more, they want to give back, and give more than expected. This increases their production and is good for the companies bottom line. Culture is a lot like respect. You can't make someone respect you, but you can earn it. When you earn respect, those that follow you develop a loyalty and it becomes natural to want to give back and be the best you can be.
  2. Marcelino Sanchez
    @Debbie You point out a critical element and that is caring. When leaders genuinely care and have a high regard for their people, employees tend to pay back with their loyalty and discretionary behavior (going above and beyond). And it really isn't that complicated. The problem is that many corporations create leaders who are impersonal and whose sole focus is business results. That's why I listed "accepting the responsibility as a culture shaper" as one of the things any leader can do today to create a strong positive culture.

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